Post-Interview Reflection

 Post-Interview Reflection 

  • How do you feel the interview went overall? 
    • I felt the interview went really well and I was overall pleased with how I answered the provided questions.  I think the tone of the interview was very well done and professional. 
  • How did you prepare for the interview?
    • I read the supplemental material/articles provided to us in BB and also spent some time reflecting on my own past interview experiences and tried to think about what I did right and some things that I would hope to improve upon. 
  • What, if anything, went differently than you expected?
    • Most of it was what I expected, fairly standard interview questions. However, I one question I didn't really expect and had to think on my feet for was the question, "Are we your number one choice for a job?" I think that was honestly a good question to include though because that could very well be a question asked and you need to be honest with the interviewer. I simply stated in my response that I as a soon to be new grad am exploring many different job opportunities and searching for where I would fit best, but am extremely drawn to their company and would be so honored to be considered for a position. I was pretty proud of this response and it honestly gave me some confidence for an actual job interview and my ability to respond to tough questions. 
  • What's something you would change if you could go through this process again (or something you'll do differently when you're in a real-life interview situation)?
    • Make sure that I exude more confidence and try my best to quell any nerves because I do not want my nerves to make it seem as though I am unqualified for a position or not prepared for the interview. 
  • What's something you learned during this process that may be helpful to you as you prepare to enter the workforce as an OT practitioner?
    • How to think on my feet and be ready to respond quickly and well to what my employer is asking of me. It also helped me think more about what I want out of my own job. In a weird way I haven't really thought much about what I want I've just been so focused on getting through school/fieldwork and then always just thought I would go to any job that would have me, but that isn't the best mindset because I also matter in a job and need to make sure that the job I choose will also help me as I grow and transition into this new phase of life. 


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